The Best Crypto-currency to Use by Your Players in Live Casinos
The online gambling world is witnessing another revolution with the introduction of the crypto-currencies. New terms like crypto-currency casinos, bitcoin casinos, and such are getting famous.
Providing flexible payment options has always been integral for the casino industry. We have seen additions of e-wallets, credit cards, banks, western union, and now the digital currency. Therefore, it has become pivotal to find the best ones for gambling.

Players worldwide are often looking for the best paying online casinos. These platforms often incorporate various options to deposit, bonuses and rewards.
Some even offer crypto-currencies and that’s what makes them worthwhile. So, before you choose the best paying game, here is a quick rundown on the crypto:
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1. Bitcoin

There is no need to worry about complicated Bitcoin software or anything similar about this digital currency. The software was released in January 2009 and today it is one of the most popular options in this case scenario. It was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto and nobody knows if this is a person or a group of people.
The economic Environment was massively changed with this addition to the world and for many users, it is much better now. Almost all online casinos do accept Bitcoin which is the main reason why we believe it is the best method here.
Using bitcoin in online casinos has many benefits: availability, liquidity and anonymity. This is why many online casinos operators are working to introduce bitcoin as a payment method. It also allows the casino to improve its security performance, which your players like.
2. Dash (Xcoin)

Dash appeared in 2014 and there were 1.9 million coins within 2 days. It became known as Dark Coin, when the company changed its name. But, it was changed to Dash soon. Your players can use it as a method of making a deposit in gambling and it is very convenient.
Your players can make any minimum deposit, be it $ 1, $ 5 or $ 10 very quickly and easily. We believe that this is one of the most successful and the safest options to choose from.
Dash is well-known as a version of BTC that is less-known but offers similar capabilities. It is high-performing, but comes with various irreversible securities, making it a great choice.
While many crypto-casinos lack the integration of the Dash, it is only a matter of time. After all, it has taken a while for Canadian websites to add many of these to the option.
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IOTA hаѕ grоwn mаѕѕіvеlу оvеr thе уеаrѕ аѕ а wіdеlу-uѕеd сrурtосurrеnсу, аnd рlеntу оf gаmblеrѕ еnјоу uѕіng IOTA аѕ а wау оf dеаlіng wіth thеіr dіgіtаl mоnеу оnlіnе. Тhuѕ рlеntу оf mајоr IOTA Саѕіnоѕ hаvе еmеrgеd оn thе mаrkеt, ѕuрроrtіng Іоtа аѕ а рауmеnt ѕоlutіоn оn thеіr рlаtfоrmѕ.
IOTA соmеѕ wіth vаrіоuѕ аdvаntаgеѕ, ѕuсh аѕ lоwеr fееѕ реr trаnѕfеr, іnѕtаnt рrосеѕѕіng, full аnоnуmіtу fоr your рlауеrѕ, аnd mаnу mоrе.
4. Litecoin

Litecoin was released in 2011 and within 2 years it reached $1 billion in value so you can imagine how successful it is. It is also the first currency of this kind to adopt Segregated Witness and one of the few to still use it. In a lot of ways, it is similar to the first option here.
Of course, it still requires real money to be purchased and can make you more money by trading, which is common when it comes to Litecoin. It is the best crypto method for some. It was designed to have a faster response for transfer. Litecoin makes it lighter on the systems to process it.
More importantly, it takes less time and makes wagering much easier. As such, users have grown fond of the option. Often even the best online casino games with cryptocurrency will support this one to keep things easier for you.
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5. Monero

Monero casino is widely popular as the reliable casinos’ features fit your players’ requirements. When it is a sporting event you wish to gamble on, Monero casinos will first require your player to register on the website. An automatic username is generated when your player sign in on the Monero gambling website. With other cryptocurrency casinos, just the username of the Monero gamblers is required.
Your player needs to create a unique password for the website. Since blockchain transactions work on the basis of keys, your players will be asked to remember their ring signatures for successful Bitcoin transactions on the best online casinos. Just like other transactions on online casinos, XMR proceedings are very safe.
Monero will be the cryptocurrency to seek. It has proof-of-work integrations that keep everything transparent and fair. Nothing can beat the unparalleled safety standards Monero has created in the crypto-casino universe.
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6. Nano Coin (XNO)

Nano is a zero-fee digital payment protocol that facilitates instant payment transactions between users. This means that it costs users nothing to send payments over the Nano network and transactions are completed in a matter of seconds.
The native cryptocurrency of the Nano network is also called Nano (NANO), and can be used to facilitate daily payments between people or companies without transaction fees.
Nano can also be used within the WeNano app — available for iOS and Android, a social wallet that facilitates payments, tips and lets you discover other Nano users nearby.
Compared to proof-of-work (PoW) networks like Bitcoin, Nano offers a significantly greener distributed payments network. This is because Nano uses what is called a block structure – a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) data structure in which individual accounts control their own blockchain rather than using a single blockchain for the entire network.
This dramatically increases the speed of transactions, which allows Nano’s cryptographic transaction confirmations to run much faster than most cryptocurrencies.
7. SkyCoin

The first batch of Skycoin Skyminers were sold in 2018 for 1 Bitcoin each, and the purchaser was reimbursed with 1 BTC worth of Skycoin, minus the cost of the components ($600). For example, when Bitcoin was worth $10,000, a Skyminer buyer was reimbursed with $9,400 worth of Skycoin, which they could sell to recover the majority of the initial 1 BTC cost. This approach was designed to help distribute Skycoin to the community.
A new cost model was introduced in 2019. Skyminers sold in 2019 cost $2000, and the purchaser is guaranteed repayment of $2000 worth of Skycoin over 24 months, in addition to the normal Coin Hours earned by the Skyminer. This means official Skyminers are now effectively free, because the cost of the Skyminer is fully reimbursed.
Another benefit to buying an official Skyminer is that Skycoin packages all the necessary components into one box and delivers to your door, which is easier than having to source the components individually.
The future of iGaming in Asia region remains positive. The number of applications for gambling licenses continued to rise over the last few years, despite issues related to the pandemic. Of course, other locations are gaining popularity as jurisdictions of choice for iGaming companies.
Still, Asia region’s long and stable history as a hub for gambling companies stands it in good stead. Favourable regulatory and fiscal incentives, a welcoming business environment, and a large talent pool will continue to ensure that iGaming thrives in Asia region for years to come. Even with a shift towards hybrid and work-from-home business models, there will still be a demand for the benefits that Asia region brings.