iGaming’s Certificate Authority
The authority responsible for regulation of the gaming market in a jurisdiction. TheCertificate Authority issues licences to gambling operators, can levy fines and revoke licences, and is tasked with investigating and prosecuting illegal gambling. It is also responsible for advising national and local government on gambling-related issues.
There are currently 2 names in this directory beginning with the letter S.
SACBS (South Australia Consumer & Business Services)
Consumer and Business Services (CBS), a division of the South Australian Government's Attorney-General's Department, provides a diverse range of services to: protect consumers. support and regulate business. record significant life events for South Australians.
SAIGA (South Australia Independent Gambling Authority)
The Independent Gambling Authority is an independent statutory commission reponsible for the integrity of the commercial gambling products lawfully provided to people in South Australia, and to ensure that those products are provided responsibly and safely.