iGaming’s Certificate Authority

The authority responsible for regulation of the gaming market in a jurisdiction. TheCertificate Authority issues licences to gambling operators, can levy fines and revoke licences, and is tasked with investigating and prosecuting illegal gambling. It is also responsible for advising national and local government on gambling-related issues.

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There are currently 5 names in this directory beginning with the letter A.
ABB (Association of British Bookmakers)
The Association of British Bookmakers (ABB) was founded in October 2002 and is a British trade association that represents some of the most important bookmakers in Great Britain.

ACMA (Australian Communications & Media Authority)
It regulating communications and media to maximise the economic and social benefits of communications infrastructure, services and content for Australia.

ACTGRC (Australian Capital Territory Gambling & Racing Commission)
The ACT Gambling and Racing Commission (the Commission) is an independent body established under section 5 of the Gambling and Racing Control Act 1999.

AGC (Australian Gambling Council)
A national industry body that aims to support a sustainable gambling industry providing entertainment and economic benefits while promoting gambling education, responsible gambling awareness, quality gambling research and evidence-based policy.

AGCC (Alderney Gambling Control Commission)
The Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC) was established in May 2000. The Commission, consisting of the Chairman and three members, is independent and non political, and regulates eGambling on behalf of the States of Alderney. The Commission ensures that its regulatory and supervisory approach meets the very highest of international standards.