iGaming Website Platform Operation

In the last two decades, online gambling has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. Millions of people gamble every day on various platforms and if you plan on becoming one of them, The backbone of online gambling is web-based platforms, called online casinos. This is where all games are hosted and where you can play against the casino or other players. To access them, you will need three things: a device (a computer, mobile phone, or a tablet), a working internet connection, and money.

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There are currently 5 names in this directory beginning with the letter V.
Malware that replicates copies of itself into other software or data files on an “infected” computer. Upon replication, the virus may execute a malicious payload, such as deleting all data on the computer. A virus may lie dormant and execute its payload later, or it may never trigger a malicious action. A virus that replicates itself by resending itself as an e-mail attachment or as part of a network message is called a “worm.”

VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Software that creates a secure, private channel for exchanging data and conducting phone calls over the Internet.

VSW (Venue Support Worker)
This role supports venues in responsible gambling practices, in accordance with approved Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct. Trained through the Venue Support Program, the worker is required to identify and respond to signs of distress of patrons that may be related to high risk gambling.

Flaw or weakness which, if abused, may result in an intentional or unintentional compromise of a system.

Vulnerability Scan
A software tool that detects and classifies potential weak points (vulnerabilities) on a computer or network. A quarterly external vulnerability scan per PCI DSS Requirement 11.2.2 must be performed by an Approved Scanning Vendor. Other vulnerability scans (such as internal scans and those performed after network changes) can be conducted by qualified staff in an organization’s IT department or by a security service provider (such as an Approved Scanning Vendor).
